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Apply for Admin! / Rainbow Bash's Admin Application For TTT
« Last post by Walroos on October 05, 2013, 11:31:32 AM »

Past experience (if any): Admin on a TTT server for about 5 months

Quote from: Rainbow Bash from previous app

Moderator on a TTT server.
This above really confuses me. Where you promoted or are you embellishing on what rank you have/had?

I hate it when there is an rdmer on the server, and no admins are on

95% of the time there is an admin on. There is the occasional time when none of us are on, but that rarely happens. If there is someone that is breaking the rules you obviously know where to find us.

The app hasnt really changed from your previous one. You mainly just built off the three sentence app you wrote a while back. I personally haven't seen you on that much and the only time I have seen as an admin/temp was today, so I cant say much about you. You have only been on a good 6 times getting a total of around 5 hours total on the new server which came up a while back.

Plus we dont really need anymore admins. Five total is enough for the amount of people we get a day.

Apply for Admin! / Rainbow Bash's Admin Application For TTT
« Last post by Rainbow Bash on October 05, 2013, 11:21:16 AM »
I'm not trying to suck up, i'm just telling my story, if you want to see my reason, read the rest of the application.
Apply for Admin! / Rainbow Bash's Admin Application For TTT
« Last post by Professor Plum on October 05, 2013, 11:00:45 AM »
My friends were always saying "dude join a different server, you need to leave RC" but this community is one of the best i have ever seen

I have been waiting all my life to be an admin on RC,

IMO sucking up gets you nowhere; neither of those points are real reasons.

Apply for Admin! / Rainbow Bash's Admin Application For TTT
« Last post by Rainbow Bash on October 05, 2013, 09:46:05 AM »
Current rank: Respected

Applying for: Admin

Which Red City server you wish to be promoted on: TTT

How many hours or minutes a day will you be on the server: 2/3 hours a day

Reason why we should pick you: I hate it when there is an rdmer on the server, and no admins are on, so everyone starts saying "just kill him every round." I think i would be a really useful and helpful admin, and i would help control the server, either if someone is mic spamming, or simply mass-RDMing. Ever since i joined RC from the early days, i have wanted to become an admin on it. My friends were always saying "dude join a different server, you need to leave RC" but this community is one of the best i have ever seen, and i really enjoy everything from the people to the Traitor and Detective Pointshop (thingy). I have been waiting all my life to be an admin on RC, and i really think i would be a good one. I would love to help control the disaster and take care of the server, it has been one of my dreams.

Past experience (if any): Admin on a TTT server for about 5 months, Owner of a minecraft server for a year.

Steam ID (if applying for a steam game): STEAM_0:0:50532768

Contact information: Skype: Shadow Flame, Steam: [RC] Rainbow Bash.
TTT / Screenshot thread?
« Last post by Walroos on October 03, 2013, 04:04:40 PM »
Games not covered / Battlefield 4 Exclusive Beta
« Last post by Papa Jesus on October 03, 2013, 03:27:54 PM »
How exactly does a skin make anyone a better player
Rick: U suk nigguh
Jim: Naw G' im boutta cop the Benjamin skin nahmean
Rick: oh shiet bruh u hella god liek fze fkie

Pretty much every generic shooter has some type of "pay to win" but none of them have a big enough impact to ruin anyones experience. Its like putting glasses on hellen keller, shes still blind.
Games not covered / Battlefield 4 Exclusive Beta
« Last post by ToxicJew on October 03, 2013, 03:23:57 PM »
Buying guns doesn't make you a better player though. If they want to make more money, more power to them; I just enjoy the feeling of bad-assery that comes with dominating as an engi.
Games not covered / Battlefield 4 Exclusive Beta
« Last post by CloudCakes on October 03, 2013, 01:15:15 PM »
Battlefield 4 is pay to win. You can buy guns, camos and attachments.
Games not covered / Mutli Theft Auto
« Last post by CloudCakes on October 03, 2013, 01:10:20 PM »

In addition to the SA-MP vs MTA debate, i'd just like to lay out that..

-MTA is constantly being updated
-More Polished, and easier to use
-Everything is done in-game, no more closing of the game and browsing a serverlist
-Extensive Multiplayer Mod Support
Games not covered / Battlefield 4 Exclusive Beta
« Last post by Papa Jesus on October 03, 2013, 05:13:32 AM »
Honestly didnt lile the beta. Tried joining matches and couldnt join into anything. But when playing alone it felt like bf3 again at its early stages
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