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Apply for Admin! / Rainbow Bash's Admin Application For TTT
« Last post by FaTCaT on October 07, 2013, 02:51:29 PM »
Apply for Admin! / Rainbow Bash's Admin Application For TTT
« Last post by Rainbow Bash on October 07, 2013, 02:33:30 PM »
i did : P

Apply for Admin! / Rainbow Bash's Admin Application For TTT
« Last post by FaTCaT on October 07, 2013, 02:15:37 PM »

And btw, Where the fuck is my old application? I can't find it anywhere.
check removed threads
Apply for Admin! / Rainbow Bash's Admin Application For TTT
« Last post by EPPALJECK on October 07, 2013, 02:07:43 PM »
IMO, You have the tendency to piss off a lot of people within 5 minutes. From butting into peoples personal problems such as RDM, and bullying, and never really minding your own business, to constant name calling and revenge RDM. Need an example? Lastchance, Napoleon Dynamite, probably others that I've never met before. I've only been here for about 2 months and a quarter but I can just see a bad admin.

Apply for Admin! / Rainbow Bash's Admin Application For TTT
« Last post by Rainbow Bash on October 07, 2013, 12:38:09 PM »

This is only since the "Leaving Incident" because it's really hard to keep track of the server at all times, waiting for people to get on.
I would be on a ton if other people were. But sadly not very many people are.

And anyways, honestly i'm just glad to know that (most of) the people voting on my app don't think i would be a bad admin.

And for god's sake, people reading this app. Vote. Because it won't come to a conclusion any sooner if you don't vote.
It doesn't matter if your vote is neutral, we just want to hear your opinion.

And btw, Where the fuck is my old application? I can't find it anywhere.
Apply for Admin! / Rainbow Bash's Admin Application For TTT
« Last post by FaTCaT on October 06, 2013, 03:20:14 PM »
I have been waiting all my life to be an admin on RC
Come on give him a chance
Apply for Admin! / Rainbow Bash's Admin Application For TTT
« Last post by Zarthalan on October 05, 2013, 06:38:54 PM »
This above really confuses me. Where you promoted or are you embellishing on what rank you have/had?
95% of the time there is an admin on. There is the occasional time when none of us are on, but that rarely happens. If there is someone that is breaking the rules you obviously know where to find us.

The app hasnt really changed from your previous one. You mainly just built off the three sentence app you wrote a while back. I personally haven't seen you on that much and the only time I have seen as an admin/temp was today, so I cant say much about you. You have only been on a good 6 times getting a total of around 5 hours total on the new server which came up a while back.

Plus we dont really need anymore admins. Five total is enough for the amount of people we get a day.

uhh, on gmod servers moderator/admin are pretty much the same. It's usually just user -> admin/moderater -> super admin -> head admin -> owner. sometimes respected is thrown in there.
Apply for Admin! / Rainbow Bash's Admin Application For TTT
« Last post by FaTCaT on October 05, 2013, 11:54:08 AM »
but it still says accepting. Also the sever can have more players but no one wants to get on it.
Apply for Admin! / Rainbow Bash's Admin Application For TTT
« Last post by Rainbow Bash on October 05, 2013, 11:51:26 AM »
This above really confuses me. Where you promoted or are you embellishing on what rank you have/had?

i got admin on a different server a couple months ago.
I could've put the thing about admin and moderator but i just put the admin.
Apply for Admin! / Rainbow Bash's Admin Application For TTT
« Last post by langile on October 05, 2013, 11:39:43 AM »
we dont really need anymore admins. Five total is enough for the amount of people we get a day.

This. No more admins are needed imo.

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