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League Of Legends / Finally got into league
« Last post by Papa Jesus on October 17, 2013, 02:33:29 PM »

What did I do? I'm just a fragile little badger, that's all.
You and your damn teemo rubbed off on langile and now we have more shrooms in my bushes at bot lane.
League Of Legends / Finally got into league
« Last post by Professor Plum on October 17, 2013, 02:24:48 PM »
God damnit plum.

What did I do? I'm just a fragile little badger, that's all.
TTT / Inactivity: It's a problem that we have
« Last post by Glitchvid on October 17, 2013, 01:37:09 PM »
Yeah, the playercount has been pretty low recently, if you're ever on the TTT by yourself (or others are on, whatever) just invite me: I'll try to find time to play on it.
Hardware discussion / Thinking about a graphics card for a botched-together PC.
« Last post by Glitchvid on October 17, 2013, 01:35:29 PM »
Yeah, Although I'd switch to an Ubuntu release so you can have steam functionality.
League Of Legends / Finally got into league
« Last post by Papa Jesus on October 17, 2013, 07:08:38 AM »
Ended up buying teemo, he's amazing.
God damnit plum.

Just spam your shrooms everywhere including objectives, and Q the ADC and you should be smooth sailing
Hardware discussion / Thinking about a graphics card for a botched-together PC.
« Last post by Zarthalan on October 17, 2013, 07:02:19 AM »
I think it'd just be worth it to just save for a new laptop, you could probably find one with the same specs for 24.99.
TTT / Inactivity: It's a problem that we have
« Last post by Zarthalan on October 17, 2013, 02:15:46 AM »
We don't 100% need a sizeable established playerbase to get a server going, there's been a couple periods where red city didn't really have anything except a minecraft server that a couple people played.
My computer is kind of fucked up ATM, my fault. I should be able to play sometime when i have the time/motivation to fix it.
League Of Legends / Finally got into league
« Last post by Bowl on October 16, 2013, 10:22:44 PM »
There are multiple ways of building Teemo and ALL of them are extremely annoying when playing top against him (unless you're Elise or some other AP "caster-bruiser"). There is the bruiser build (tanky: sunfire, randuins, spirit visage, <insert some dps item (nashor's?)>, etc), split pusher build (lots of attack speed and some ap: nashor's, RUNAAN's, and then some ap or more attack speed), and then there is that nasty pure glass cannon build (Basically shit tons of AP, some CDR, and liandry's ).
Oh, don't forget support Teemo.... not.
TTT / Inactivity: It's a problem that we have
« Last post by Walroos on October 16, 2013, 03:57:21 PM »
Unless you have been living underneath a rock, you would know that our TTT server has become extremely inactive. There is an average of like three people every other day which does not look good at all.

We are lacking new players. Sure, we could run a community of people who have been with the community with some time but then its playing the game with the exact same people each time. New players means a bigger audience which would be great for us. We do get a couple of new players but they most of the time they leave after one or two rounds. Bash's app was denied due to the current player count of five players.

Our current player count sort of worries me for the future. Usually once our servers start up our players from our last server would come back to support the next server. This support would attract new players into our new server where then it will flourish. If we don't get players now that could stay with us, I fear that it could lead to a potential failure on our next server.

In order to bring in these new players, we need to be active ourselves. I understand how we all have our personal lives as well as our school lives which are both very important. If we get a group of 10-15 regular players on, more players would look at that and our player count increases gradually. To get our regular players on you have to invite pretty much anyone that has been on our server on. If we stay on the server for like an hour or hour and a half, then we could get new players into our server and they might just come back.

The forums have been inactive to the extent that the reason for most of the recent posts are from boredom. If we keep new players in, we could fill in the void with new people to post on the forums and such.

One final thing is that if this plan doesn't get off its feet, the server will be taken down in the upcoming weeks due to inactivity. If I see an increase of our player count then I would be more than happy to donate but from the looks of it I would be donating my money to an inactive server. Once we would choose our next server gamemode and get the server set up I would then donate my cash to keep that server up and running.

All I am asking you guys is to become more active on the server. Join the server all by yourself or join if you can. Like I said before, invite everyone that you can to the server so it could be active. I don't know your guys' situation but if you can please connect and help. If not, then the server would be taken down due to inactivity which no one wants.

*Sorry if there are things wrong with the post as I wrote it up quickly because I have to rush to a minute clinic*
League Of Legends / Finally got into league
« Last post by langile on October 16, 2013, 03:27:58 PM »
Ended up buying teemo, he's amazing. I need to learn how to build him right, but even without a perfect build I'm killing a ton of people purely from the toxic darts.
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