What is Mugen?MUGEN is a game engine soley for the purpose of developing tournament fighter games, however it can also be used as a game platform for Everyone Vs Everyone, which is where you can download and add thousands of different characters and put them in a fight against eachother. I used to play this game quite a bit, but every now and then its nice to pull it up and pull some combos. The game plays well if you use a controller/gamepad.
VideosScarlette Kicks Ass
Hyper Gogeta vs Demon Akuma (this is how insane battles get)
Mugen 1.0 gameplay
LinksMUGEN 1.0+ (Newest Version, not as much stuff)
Winmugen DIRECT DOWNLOAD (This took awhile to find, so please enjoy. This is the old version and has the most content)
Mugen Guild (The Main Forum for Mugen, contains ALOT of content for the game engine)
NOTESTake heed as not all characters are balanced, but you do have the freedom of balancing them yourself. The game can support up to 4 players/ 4 bots in gameplay.
Character Installation, and Sounds, and Maps isn't the easiest thing in the world so you're going to have to do some google searching to find the guide that helps you best.
Find a Screenpack for WINMUGEN called EVE or Everyone Vs Everyone, to get 10000 Character Slots, if you so desire.